Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Here's To You, Buddy

I'm not usually one to keep up with birth/death anniversaries, but this is a big one, so the least I can do is put up some links.

For a proper Buddy tribute, go to Locust St: 50 Years On. (Most of you probably already visit Locust Street, but just in case you didn't already know about it, now you do. It's excellent.) Elsewhere, check out this post to see Bob Dylan tell about his encounter with Buddy Holly and this post about Buddy Holly's hassles with Decca (including a Buddy Holly telephone call).

Like most rock nerds, I've always held Buddy in high esteem. When I started playing guitar, his songs were the first victims. Somewhere waiting to be burned is a cassette recording of the kid version of me playing and singing Think It Over, circa 1982. Yikes!

Now for some music. This one, which I've posted before, always puts a little lump in my throat (thinking about Buddy and Maria Elena). There's nothing to the lyrics, but Buddy's delivery is heartfelt:

Buddy Holly - True Love Ways (buy album)

In "new" release news: I am very much looking forward to the day this finally arrives on my front porch. I know it's good, because I've already got the bootlegs.

* * * * *
Update: There's a good discussion going on about Buddy Holly's legacy in the comment section of this post at Rock Town Hall.


Anonymous said...

Think it Over, by a different Paul:
